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The Spirit of Insecurity (vs) The Power of Self-Love

Right up there with peoples common belief in the evilness of money – should be the spirit of insecurity.  Certain people (not all) who are insecure will not overtly display their insecurity, because it would reveal a card of theirs that would expose their vulnerability and produce the unfavorable inner-chaos that they are intensely trying to avoid.  Rather, some of these people will mask it the best they can with disingenuous smiles, false confidence, and other forms of inauthentic authenticity. 

These are some of the most detrimental people to society because their underlying insecurities combined with pseudo confidence can birth a state of wickedness – from them and toward them.  Take road rage for example.  Person A cuts of Person B in traffic, causing Person B to feel, in some way, attacked, wronged, inferior, and a host of other pride issues.  Person B’s feelings of inferiority (and perceiving that someone else took advantage of them based on those feelings of inferiority) may spawn an aggressive reaction to seek revenge in an excessive way toward Person A.  Person B, most likely, does this consciously or subconsciously geared to overcompensate for their insecurities.  Unfortunately situations like this happen all too often within the human race.

Furthermore, many people engage in the behavior of toxically comparing themselves to other people; only to get upset if the results of the comparison do not favor themselves – even if the negative results are self-created, self-sabotaging, and untrue.  But here’s the thing: people who have optimal amounts of self-love do not engage in toxic comparative reflections that spawn malicious manipulative interpersonal encounters.  However, IF they ever happen to find themselves engaging in those types of toxic thoughts (i.e. “Why don’t I have what he/she has?, “Who does he/she think they are?”), their high amounts of self-love interjects and reminds them, “Hey, jackass! *waving to get attention*  You’re YOU – a unique being that no one else can be.  Remember?  You love yourself unapologetically.  Stop comparing yourself to others who are living limited versions of themselves.”  And then we respond, Yea…you’re right…as we laughingly say to ourselves, What the f*ck was I thinking?

I truly believe that crime, violence, and most ism’s (especially racism) are born out of the spirit of insecurity.  If one reads the reflections and observations of Frederick Douglass during his time of being a slave, it is discernible that many, if not all, of the most brutal and violent slave masters that he encountered were insecure in themselves but found some sort of perceived acceptable identity and solace in daily traumatizing Afrikan people.  In other words, the slave masters were projecting what they felt and thought about themselves onto the slaves.  I would even go as far to postulate that many of the wicked slave masters that Douglass talked about, were also engaging in what we in counseling psychology call projective identification (PI).  Meaning that the slave owners used PI to cause the slaves to feel as horrible as the slave master did - to where then the slave master could connect with the traumatic psychological, spiritual, and emotional responses in the slaves instead of the slave master dealing with those feelings themselves.  

I have stated many times throughout the course of my career within lectures, discussions, podcasts, television, and books, that I was an insecure teenager but when I recognized that beating people up brought me the respect of people I respected, I became somewhat of a hothead and would snap sometimes at any given moment.  Why?  Because it gave me an identity that soothed (not cured) my insecurities.  When I began accepting myself and loving myself unapologetically, flaws and all, those aggressive behaviors that spawned from my insecurities faded away.  If you are a being that truly loves yourself non-narcissistically in a way that inspires others, your presence and energy alone is going to expose the hidden insecurities in others and two things will probably happen: 1) insecure people will defame you every opportunity they get all awhile being secret admirers of your courage, strength, and inner-power, and 2) they will become passive-aggressive toward you because your courage, strength, and inner-power is a multidimensional threat to them.  There are numerous ways to deal with these adolescent-like beings.  If you are a self-loving person wanting to increasingly learn and/or enhance some of these ways, contact me for counseling at  If you’ve been diagnosed with the spirit of insecurity and are interested bettering yourself, you should also contact me for counseling as well so that I can give you a therapeutic exorcism (lol). 

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